

Formulation: expertise in raw materials in the service performance and livestock feed quality

In close collaboration with the CCPA Group's species engineers, the formulation specialists help and advise the animal nutrition professionals in:

  • Defining the optimal nutritional requirements to meet the technical and commercial objectives of livestock production. In addition to standard formulation criteria, CCPA Group specialists have developed specific criteria for qualifying nutrients and micro-nutrients, enabling their customers to work more precisely on the formulation of their feeds, ultimately improving their value to the animal. >> Learn more about formula optimization.
  • Offering expert advice on nutritional composition and the best use of the raw materials. With the support of the Group's analysis and control laboratories, experimental trials and bibliography, the CCPA Group has acquired a detailed knowledge of raw materials, their nutritional and technological values and constraints, as well as the effects of interactions with other nutrients. The Group has thus built a unique formulation table, which is constantly updated and enriched. The company also regularly screens enzymes, vitamins and trace elements in order to provide its customers with an objective and independent evaluation of the various nutritional additives on the market that can be used in premixes and foods. The Group's formulators also provide their customers with personalized advice and recommendations for ever greater food efficiency. >> Learn more about raw materials expertise.
  • Compliance with the regulations on animal feed. CCPA Group formulators, supported by the company's Quality Department, provide their customers with advice and recommendations for the regulatory compliance of their feed ranges.

If you have any questions or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us!


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