

E.U. Strengthening of the medicated feed conditions of use

As of January 28, 2022, the regulation of medicated feed in the European Union is changing. Find out more about the changes.

Toward thightened conditions of use on 28th January 2022

The regulation UE 2019/4 on medicated feed apply on the 28th of January 2022 in all of the European Union. The major evolutions are: 
  • A distribution of medicated feed with anti-microbials banned in preventive
  • One and only anti-microbial premixture per feed allowed
  • A prescription possible only after a clinical exam or any other evalution of animals' health status
A maximum of 5 days between the prescription date and the delivery in farm.

Toward a production shutdown on 28th January 2023?  

The European Commission will edict new norms on homogeneity and cross-contamination, at the latest on the 28th of January 2023. The industry wonders on the possibility to keep manufacturing medicated feed under these conditions. 

CCPA at the forefront on piglets demedication

To ensure a complete digestive security, CCPA has developped IMMAX®, a unique feed solution based on plant extracts for weaned piglets. This all-in-one product garantees the gut barrier integrity and balance together with a modulation of the microbiota. 
To achieve an optimal farm management, CCPA has developed the DEMEUS® mobile app. Its supports the nutritionist in advising farmers for a successful demedication in post-weaning. This complete tool combines the farm management's evaluation with personalized advices around nutrition. 

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