

Improving the quality of finished products

For more than 10 years, the quality of meat has been the subject of numerous research projects within the CCPA Group. The purpose of it is to meet the quality expectations of the various actors in the food chain and consumers, by offering finished products that are safe and healthy, appetizing and practical. The expected characteristics of meat quality improvement are numerous: hygienic, organoleptic and technological (appearance, colour, pH, water retention capacity). If some quality issues can be observed in the carcass stage, the ones related to muscle quality are only discovered later at the cutting stage. Specific nutritional solutions have been developed to meet these different challenges, under the Méga® brand.




>> Méga® Tender:

A nutritional additive incorporated in poultry feed, Méga® Tender improves the visual and technological quality of the meat thanks to the synergy of the plant extracts and antioxidants in its formula.

Méga® Tender significantly reduces the quality issues in meat encountered especially in rapid growth bloodlines: breasts with white striping, wooden breast and spongy or spaghetti meat.



>> Méga® Protect: 

Lipid oxidation is the most important cause of impairment of the sensory and nutritional quality of meats, meat preparations and meat-based products. This oxidation causes irreversible changes in the taste, flavour, colour and texture of products, leading to a reduction in their shelf life. 

A nutritional additive incorporated in poultry feed in finisher broilers, Méga® Protect improves the quality of the meat and its conservation, reducing lipid oxidation and water loss on cooking. Its formulation incorporates a combination of rigorously selected plant extracts and natural antioxidants.

Méga® Protect is also suitable for rabbit farming. Incorporated in the feed for finisher rabbits, it also helps to reduce lipid oxidation and exudation on cooking.



>> Méga® Sense :

A nutritional additive incorporated in finisher pig feed that includes a combination of plant extracts and natural antioxidants, Méga® Sense improves the quality of pork and its conservation. Indeed, this nutritional solution significantly reduces exudation in the meat, offering better post mortem tissue stability. The lipid oxidation mechanisms responsible for turning the fat rancid are also alleviated, leading to better and longer sensory meat quality.







picto volaille

Méga® Tender

Meat quality and

- 24% "White striping" at 42 days

- 10% "Wooden breast" at 42 days

   picto lapin

Méga® Protect Meat quality and

- 23% lipid oxidation

- 6% water loss on cooking

picto porc

Méga® Sense

Meat quality and

- 36% water loss on cooking

Reduction of the rancid taste in meat

* To find out more about the results of our trials, please feel free to contact us!


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