

OLEOSTAT®: Protect your poultry from Coccidia, it's as essential and it is natural!

OLEOSTAT®, the innovative, natural and effective solution which allows to maintain performance in the presence of Coccidia

OLEOSTAT® is added to the feed as part of an integrated response plan appropriate to each livestock farming situation.

OLEOSTAT® has proven its effectiveness in supporting zootechnical performance in the presence of Coccidia in numerous in vitro and in vivo trials.

READ MORE. Coccidiosis: Causes, Consequences and Control Mesures of Eimeria Infection in Poultry Farming​

Major benefits of the OLEOSTAT® solution

1. OLEOSTAT®, provides optimal support to performance in the presence of Coccidia

  • Zootechnical performance in the presence of Coccidia (weight, mortality, FCR, pigmentation). 

2. OLEOSTAT®, a customised programme 

  • According to species 
  • According to the strategies in place
  • In line with coccidial pressure

3. OLEOSTAT®, a 100% natural feed solution

  • No withdrawal period
  • A new solution to combat the appearance of strains resistant to the strategies in place
  • Compatible with so-called clean production lines (no risk of cross-contamination in the factory)

READ MOREDiscover Feedstim®, the complementary solution to OLEOSTAT® even during periods of heat stress

OLEOSTAT®, a proven effectiveness

Improvement in performance in the presence of Coccidia: weight at 49 days. 

Reduction in mortality

Are you interest by OLEOSTAT® ? Contact us!


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